Coffee Gurus

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

La Pavoni Tip: Steam Ahead of Pulling Shot

Here is a tip from an email I received from Anthony Clarke from Australia:

"I've found best results come when I steam ahead of pulling my shots. I start steaming when the pressure gauge first moves into the green range ... takes a bit longer than the other way round, but the steamed milk is thicker/creamier. It doesn't seem to affect coffee quality .. in fact, by the time steaming is finished, the gauge has just reached the ideal pointer-mark for pulling shots. And of course, the hot milk stays hotter way longer than the espresso, meaning the overall result is better."

When the pressure isn't as high, you get finer bubbles...and softer/silker frothed milk. You can see this by swirling the milk around and it will be shiny. Give it a try and let me know how it goes...


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